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generating capacity中文是什么意思

用"generating capacity"造句"generating capacity"怎么读"generating capacity" in a sentence


  • 电站容量
  • 发电量
  • 发电能力
  • 发电容量
  • 发生量


  • Development of measuring system for electricity generating capacity of piezoelectric ceramics
  • By 2020 , china plans to have multiplied installed nuclear - generating capacity fivefold from 2000 figures , to 40 gigawatts
  • Every year china is building power - generating capacity almost equivalent to britain ' s entire stock , almost all of it burning coal ? the dirtiest fuel
  • It is much less than the expansion rate for nuclear generating capacity in its heyday ? 1956 to 1980 ? during which global capacity rose at an average rate of 40 percent annually
    核能发电在1956 ~ 80年间的全盛时期中,成长率比这还高很多,每年全球的平均成长率是40 % 。
  • Recall that both meschach and blitz have functions random number generators that deliver random doubles , and that cwmtx lacks native random generating capacity
    如前所述, meschach和blitz有提供随机双精度数的函数(随机数生成器) ,而cwmtx自身没有产生随机数的功能。
  • But this may not be the answer for the 7 , 000mw of new generating capacity that chile needs to keep pace with the estimated growth of demand over the next decade
  • China eliminated small and inefficient power plants with a total generating capacity of 5 , 500 megawatts in the first half of 2007 , the national development and reform commission ( ndrc ) revealed
    国家发改委称, 2007年上半年中国关停了总产量达5 , 500兆瓦的一批小型及低效能发电厂。
  • Generating capacity of electricity will be increased to add another 2 . 4 million to 2 . 8 million kilowatts to reach an overall electricity provision of from 6 . 6 million to 7 million kilowatt - hours
    加强城乡供电设施建设,新增供电能力240 280万千瓦,使供电能力达到660 700万千瓦。
  • In order to measure and study the electricity generating performance of the piezoelectric ceramics ( pec ) , a measuring system for the electricity generating capacity of the pec was developed
  • One measure of china ' s soaring economic growth has been the attention - grabbing fact that it adds new power generating capacity each year equal to the uk ' s entire electricity grid
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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